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  • Before the Heat Sets In | Summer Mornings Out of Doors

    The prospect of open ended days minding two children through the heat of summer, untethered from the steady beat of school loomed like a rising tid...
  • Kate Blakeslee Studio Visit

    Artist, Kate Blakeslee, lives in the countryside of Petaluma, California, where her pastels sit in a serene studio below her house. Her 20+ years ...
  • Laura Cooper Studio Visit

    LA-based artist, Laura Cooper, welcomed us into her studio on a recent Sunday, where her multi-media works sat and hung in varying degrees of comp...
  • Autumn Lookbook

    The grass is golden, the light hangs low and the shadows are long...  Susanne's visit, September 2018.  Photography by Molly Haas . ...
  • Sommar Syster | Summer Sister

    Creative sister duo Hanna and Molly Haas grew up in Northern California and now call opposite ends of the West Coast home, Hanna in Portland and Mo...
  • Al Fresco Dining | Tablecloths + Recipes

    We rounded up a few of our favorite tablecloths, perfect for summer gatherings outdoors along with tried and true recipes from the Sprouted Kitchen's Bowl + Spoon cookbook. Shot by Molly Haas at Annika's home in Altadena.

  • Spring Lookbook

    Susanne flew into town for a visit coinciding with the first day of Spring. We gathered a handful of new pieces from the shop as well as tried and true Dotter favorites seen here on both Susanne and Annika, mother and daughter.