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Before the Heat Sets In | Summer Mornings Out of Doors

The prospect of open ended days minding two children through the heat of summer, untethered from the steady beat of school loomed like a rising tide, sure to swallow the narrow levies we'd constructed to guide us through the flow of time. No longer babies, but now boys, brimful of life and fire. Where would we go? What would we eat? Who would ring the bell?

And yet here we are. The minutes and hours have passed, faster than any of us would have liked. The boys are older now, their hair is longer and the golden sun has made her mark. There's dirt under our nails, but the garden is happy. We've carried rocks and collected driftwood. Shells line the windowsills. We're happy and sun drenched and we wish it would never end... 

Annika Huston, 2019


Elizabeth Antonia's new book, Early Riser Companion, has been a source of inspiration this summer. Words of wisdom from women and fellow mothers line its pages along with ideas to spark the imagination and ground you with a sense of rhythm. It's a small, but shining beacon for this vast and wide open field of parenthood. 

Annika wears: It Is Well teeBunai skirt & Worishofer Sandals

As it appears: Early Riser Companion, Turkish Towel, Striped Turkish TowelOlive wood Cutting Board, cheese knife setOlive wood bowls, Ruffage cookbook Moroccan woven knapsack , Wooden Purse, Straw Hat

Photos by Molly Haas.


picnic blanket in injiri skirt and it is well tee

picnic blanket in injiri skirt and it is well tee

mini market bag with kid's sandals and "Early Riser Companion" book

cheese plate with cheese knife set on wooden cutting board

Two boys snack on cheese and crackers with a picnic spread around them

mom and son reading "Early Riser Companion" in injiri skirt with woven hat

picnic spread with "Early Riser Companion" book open

picnic spread with t project loose leaf and tea strainer

toddler pouring loosing leaf tea with glass tea jug

toddler sipping loose leaf tea from glass cup next to glass tea jug

toddler resting head on mama wearing injiri skirt and it is well tee

flat lay of woven backpack, woven hat, worishofer sandals, and wooden purse

picnic spread in sunshine

toddler and mama holding straw hat in sunshine