Creating a loaf of bread is one of the simplest and yet most rewarding things you can do. In one small loaf you have created an entire world. Recipes for a variety of yeast a fast breads are compiled in The Waldorf School Book of Breads. All four elements that are essential to life are inherent in your single loaf of bread: earth in the salt mineral and grain; water; air in the carbohydrates and yeast; and fire which brings the bread to life by baking it.
The Waldorf School Book of Breads family cookbook includes tasty breads for the daily table, and specialty breads for the seasons and festive occasions. There are wheat, spelt, corn, and rye breads, flat breads, fruit breads, and sourdough breads, muffins, rolls, biscuits, popovers, and scones as well as an introduction by Wolfgang Rohrs to making honey-salt-bread, a new bread for our time, which uses honey to initiate the spontaneous fermentation of the dough.
By Marsha Post